Thursday Jun 16, 2016
Should you take Minerals?
Thursday Jun 16, 2016
Thursday Jun 16, 2016
- Minerals can only be absorbed into the body from plant based foods
- Organic foods have more mineral content
- Hard pressed pills are hard to digest
- Your body needs 11 minerals (all of which are in the PM Minerals)
- Your bones store minerals for use later
- You need to replace what your body used
- Feed your body nutrients and your body will do its job
- Minerals help you relax
- Restless Leg Syndrome is a mineral deficiency
- Salt and Minerals
- Minerals are necessary for proper body function
- High Protein diets deplete the body of minerals
- Minerals feed the bones, muscles, the entire body
- Master Cleanse
Thursday Jun 02, 2016
Salt and Potassium without it you are dead.
Thursday Jun 02, 2016
Thursday Jun 02, 2016
In this episode we talked about:
- Salt is an essential electrolyte
- Must be unrefined
- Salt preserved foods help with minerals
- Sodium Potassium Pump
- Potassium
Thursday May 26, 2016
Why having lower blood pressure rocks!
Thursday May 26, 2016
Thursday May 26, 2016
This week we discussed High Blood Pressure On this week's episode we are joined by Dr. James and Scott James.
- Two major causes of High Blood Pressure
- Urinary tract problems
- Stress
- To heal the urinary tract use Bladney
- pH is a cause of frequent urination
- Nervous system
- Stress will raise blood pressure
- Take time to relax
- Shark Liver Oil
- 1,000 to 3,000 mg per day
- Calcium Lie
- Formulas for stress
- Nerve food
- B and C Complex
- Feed your body what it needs
- Whole grains
- Sprout or toast to kill enzyme blockers
- Make your chemicals don't take them
- Supplement with herbs
- High protein diet can increase blood pressure
Thursday May 12, 2016
2 topics in 1 episode Food Source Vitamins and Full body Cleanse
Thursday May 12, 2016
Thursday May 12, 2016
This week we have a 2 for 1 for you. The first half of the podcast we discuss our Food Source vitamins:
- Vitamins and their sources
- Our body should make the chemicals we need
- Vitamin C
- 10% natural can be marketed as natural
- Folic Acid
- Nutrients
- Healthy Cell
- Tissue Mend
- B and C Complex
- C Complex
- Cleanses the:
- Colon
- Lungs
- Blood
- Kidneys
- Liver
- In the morning take:
- 2 Bladney
- 1 Blood Wash
- 1 Monia
- In the evening take
- Avoid White Sugar, Flour and Processed foods
- Excitotoxins
Thursday May 05, 2016
Enjoy That Summer Picnic Without Fear of Food Poisoning!
Thursday May 05, 2016
Thursday May 05, 2016
Today we are joined by Dr Michael James and Scott James and we are talking about food poisoning
- Tea Honey
- Lugol's Iodine
- Milk Allergies
- Zime
- Blood Wash
- 1 to 2 a Day
- Fection
- Start with 6 a day then cut back to 1 a day for at least three months
- Nourish the system
- Food Poisoning can linger in the body for many years
- Detoxalation
- Auto-Immune is a lack if nutrients
- Sulfur
- Bones and cartilage
- Essential Amino acids
- Don't let Food Poisoning linger
- Change the body's pH
Thursday Apr 28, 2016
Say good bye to bad skin.
Thursday Apr 28, 2016
Thursday Apr 28, 2016
This episode we talked about:
- Blood Wash
- Gland Salve
- Everything Gland Oil does
- Rashes
- Vaginal Yeast
- Gland oil
- drains the lymphatic
- helps with bug bites
- Disperses toxins
- Eraser Oil
- Growths
- Skin tags
- Worts
- Milk weed
- If a dark spot runs rough treat it immediately
- Comfrey Gold Salve
- Germs on skin are 2 dimensional
- Issues with anti-bacterial soaps
- Marshmallow Root Salve
- Not the confection marshmallows
- Remove make-up
- eyes
- Pink eye
- styes
- Blood Wash should be used with any skin problems
- Salux Rag
- Staph or MERSA
- Chia seed extract
- 1 ounce Chia seed (weight)
- 5 Fluid ounces Vodka
- Steep in the sun 10 days before using and then steep for up to 30 days
- Keep covered with the vodka to prevent mold
- Good nutrients and avoid toxins brings health
- Chat is now available on our website.
Friday Apr 22, 2016
Healing the system vs. Treating the disease
Friday Apr 22, 2016
Friday Apr 22, 2016
In this episode we are joined by Dr. Michael James and Scott James
- The philosophy of herbology
- Allopathic Herbalists
- Natural therapists
- Concentrated chemicals become poison to the body
- Comfy Root
- Herbalists have been using these plants for centuries
- Little Herbal Encyclopedia
- Back to eden
- How pharmaceuticals are made - Concentrate the remedy
- Allopathic Doctors are concerned with finding a name for the problem
- You don't have to have a name to treat the problem
- How does the problem effect you?
- Which body system is effected?
- Find the herbs to heal the body system
- we treat body systems not diseases
- Our body can heal itself
- feed and nourish your body
- Glutamate is an essential amino acid
- MSG is highly concentrated and is poisonous
- Use the herbs and plants
- Systems
- Muscular Skeletal
- Cardiovascular
- Lymphatic
- Nervous
- Endocrine
- Integumentary
- Respiratory
- Digestive
- Urinary
- Reproductive
- Systems are tied together
- Food products are isolated parts of the food
- Is it really food or a food product?
- Lack of wheat germ is a cause of infertility
- Get good oils in your body
- We are looking for health
- Feed your body properly
- Get your vitamins from food
- We are what we consume
- When you are not feeling well look at your diet
- The Reality of Herbal Therapy ( it can also be purchased from here)
Thursday Apr 14, 2016
Constipation is griping the nation
Thursday Apr 14, 2016
Thursday Apr 14, 2016
In this episode we talked about:
- Constipation and Diarrhea are symptoms of the same problem
- Opioid induced constipation
- Klean Lax
- Increase your water intake
- Laxatives are an irritant and don't fix the problem
- Kolonic Kaps
- Col Cer heals the digestive tract
- Liver Flush
- Diarrhea flushes out the colon
- Herbal laxatives:
- Hepatic
- Fiber
- A healthy colon needs
- Fiber
- Bulk
- Lubrication
- Grain gives the fiber our body needs
- Vegetables give the colon bulk
- Good Oils and fruits give the colon lubrication
- Your stool should float
- Liver is fueled by fiber
- Most people are chronically constipated
- Disease starts in the digestive tract
- Miracle diets clean out the colon
- Weight loss is dependent on a healthy colon
- Soda dehydrates the body 7 times
- Liquid (water) is essential for a healthy system
- Col Cer to get the colon working ( 3 capsules a day)
- Klean Lax (1 a day)
- Kolonic Kaps gives the bulk
- Bentonite clay absorbs toxins and gives the body minerals
- Astronauts and bone density helped with bentonite clay
- Bentonite Clay is a 2 for 1
- Col Cer and Klean Lax will help you feel better in a few days
- Cleansing organs
- Full Body Cleanse
- AM
- 2 Bladney
- 1 Blood Wash
- 1 Monia
- PM
- 2 Kolonic Kaps
- 1 Col Cer
- 1 Liv Clean
- Rashes are a build up of toxins
- Salux Rag
Friday Apr 08, 2016
The best herbs for ADD/ADHD.
Friday Apr 08, 2016
Friday Apr 08, 2016
This week we were joined by Dr, Michael James and his son Scott James.
- Behavioral disorders
- alternatives to drugs
- feed and nourish the nervous system
- Yellow dye in pickles
- Store bought hamburger would wind up a kid
- red is from beetle larva
- yellow is from lice
- many Americans are allergic to these bugs
- excitotoxins
- Clean up the diet by cooking simply at home
- Problems are not as much sugar as the other additives
- Educate your children on the effects of certain foods
- Chillin'
- Nerquilizer
- Detoxalation
- helps with emotional problems
- take 1 Chillin' to 2 Nerquilizer
Thursday Mar 31, 2016
Why pain pills won't fix your arthritis (or Fibromyalgia)
Thursday Mar 31, 2016
Thursday Mar 31, 2016
In this episode we talk about:
- Arthritis
- Aches and pains
- gout
- fibromyalgia
- inflammation
- nutrient driven
- Priority systems take necessary nutrients
- our body should make chemicals
- pain killers hide pain and risk damage
- pain tells us something is wrong
- fibromyalgia - arthritis in the muscles
- Sand in the muscles- grit
- crystals in the muscles
- Nerve pain is a misfire caused by nutrient deficiency
- Joints, cartilage, synovial fluid
- joints need nutrients to be healthy
- Arth Rite
- Like an oil change for your joints
- Bladney
- Moves uric acid from joints
- Gout is big crystals
- pH change can help
- Tissue Mend
- Puts nutrients back
- Sources of vitamins
- B Complex
- C Complex
- We want it to be effective
- Herbal MSM is suffer and makes cells permeable to nutrients
- Dosage is not as critical as feeding the body the nutrients necessary
- If the herbs aren't working take more
- Analgesic oil for temporary pain relief
- Goal is to get pain free as quickly as possible
- start with 12 Arth Rite, 6 Bladney a day
- then cut back as the pain subsides
- level of activity will increase
- within a month you will notice a difference
- Treat and cleanse the joints, muscles, bones