Friday Mar 25, 2016
Will your liver survive?
Friday Mar 25, 2016
Friday Mar 25, 2016
In this episode we discuss:
- What is the liver
- What does it do
- Cleans the body
- balances chemicals
- Liver has a large job
- A fat free diet can cause deficiencies in the liver
- good oil helps reduce cholesterol
- 80% of brain is oil
- oil soluble vitamins
- micronutrients
- body needs complimenting nutrients and vitamins
- unrefined sea salt
- Himalayan salt has proper ratio of nutrients
- The liver is the wash rag of the body
- Oil needs to be unrefined
- Fats and Oils pdf
- Can not clean liver unless the bowels are moving
- Liv Clean
- Rinses out the liver
- Amino acids and Proteins
- Tissue Mend
- Large animals are plant eaters (cow, ox, horse, elephants)
- Meat is not the only place to get protein
- Liver makes the proteins the body needs
- liver helps with the function of the bowels and intestines
- Bile gets rid of toxins and helps with digestion
- Breaks down oils
- cleans bowels
- dumps toxins
- Liver Cleanse
- gall stones
- Minerals in the body collect into stones
- laxatives are a big business
- nudge the liver and bowels will work better
- Liver needs to be cleaned to heal
- a clean liver will work better
- it takes 7 years for the liver to regenerate
- Helpful herbal formulas:
- Liv Clean
- Col Cer
- Gall bladder colic
- Coffee is hard on the liver
- Bentonite Clay
- Kolonic Kaps
- Klean Lax
- Milk Thistle
- Liv Clean and Col Cer only need a small amount to work.
Thursday Mar 17, 2016
Fast Fix for Allergies
Thursday Mar 17, 2016
Thursday Mar 17, 2016
Topics of this episode:
- Allergies and Pollen
- What is an herbalist
- Allopathic herbalist
- Dr. James and spring allergies on the farm
- Back to Eden
- Hay Asz
- Treat the upper respiratory system
- 3-6 Hay Asz a day
- Herbs are not drugs they are nutrients
- Asthma and Bronchitis can be the result of uncontrolled allergies
- Monia
- Flem Up (Hock and Spit)
- I Brite
- Fection
- Take Hay Asz 2-3 every 15-30 minutes until you have relief
- Ear Oil, garlic mullein and olive oil
- Anti-Spaz
- Gland Oil
- How to find swollen glands
- Vitamin C
Thursday Mar 10, 2016
Habits that mess up your kidneys.
Thursday Mar 10, 2016
Thursday Mar 10, 2016
Topics in this episode include:
- Urinary Tract system
- Bladder
- Kidneys
- Dehydration
- Kidneys and how they work
- At what point does infection grow?
- Have a healthy urinary tract system
- Chronic Kidney Problems
- Lower Back Pain
- A car ride can hurt your back
- Female cycle can cause issues
- When the female organs are under nourished there is nutrient pirating form kidneys
- If there are Bladder problems treat the kidneys also
- Bladney
- Incontinence in bladder can be healed with Food Combining
- Parsley Tea will dissolve stones in the body
- Chamomile will also
- Water absorbs better with an organic addition
- We don't drink enough water
- Soda and Coffee dehydrates the body 7 times the amount
- How much water to drink? 1 Quart for every 40 pounds of body weight
- Acidic urine = Frequent urination
- Urine pH should be 7.2 to 8
- Test your urine pH
- increase vegetables and fresh fruits
- 1 teaspoon of baking soda a day
- urination gets rid of toxins out the body
- Bladney will get rid of swelling
- PM Minerals
- people say too much water can reduce your electrolytes
- drinking Tea Honey will replace any lost electrolytes
- Bladney will help to heal damaged urinary systems
- What should I do?
- Coffee, Green Tea, White tea, and Black Tea are all very acidic
- To overcome chronic dehydration
- Tea Honey
- Sea salt
- Sodium and Potassium
Thursday Mar 03, 2016
Survival Tips for eyes. (Allergic Conjunctivitis)
Thursday Mar 03, 2016
Thursday Mar 03, 2016
Topics covered in this episode:
- What is Allergic Conjunctivitis
- Marshmallow root Salve
- Not marshmallows in the eyes
- itchy eyes
- dry eyes
- pink eye
- Is it contagious
- I Brite
- Treat the system (Upper respiratory system)
- Hay Asz
- Don't double dip
- Swab the nose with marshmallow root salve
- Effect of diet on allergies
- Quality of milk
- Raw milk is a probiotic
- how cheese is made
- good bacteria
- fermented foods
- buy plain yogurt and flavor it yourself
- avoid excitotoxins
- Your body makes all the chemicals it needs
- make the chemicals don't take chemicals
- get good nutrients to make good chemicals
- bad nutrients make bad chemicals
- light irritates the eyes
- cut back in eye strain (gadgets)
- let your eyes rest
- eyes heal when shut
- wash eyes often then put marshmallow salve on eyes
- avoid scented wipes and disinfectant wipes
- don't use on kids
- Hay Asz
- Fection
- I Brite
- Cough Syrup mix
- Herbs are food
- Vitamin C
- Cleans out excitotoxins
- Impetigo
- Orange juice on sores
- eyebright vs. I Brite
- formulas work better
Thursday Feb 25, 2016
Want to stop Stress?
Thursday Feb 25, 2016
Thursday Feb 25, 2016
In this episode we talked about:
- Good and bad stress have the same effect on the body
- Vitamins an minerals are depleted
- Like a house with bad wiring
- Breakers and fuses
- Give your body nutrients
- Build your nervous system
- Story of a client that needed Nerquilizer and Chillin'
- Now only needs a little to maintain
- B & C Complex
- Get your B vitamins from Grains
- Vitamins are Micronutrients
- Get your vitamins from your food
- Green leafy vegetables are high in B vitamins
- pre-natal vitamins have extra folic acid
- Spinach is high in folic acid
- Lithium is in vegetables
- The Drug lithium and the mineral lithium are VERY different
- Isolated remedies have dangerous consequences
- Water is is made up of a high explosive
- Vitamins and Minerals in the soil
- Plants convert minerals into a form that is easy to assimilate
- We get nutrients from plants
- Graze, try different foods
- Buy and eat fresh fruits and vegetables
- If you can't get it from your food take a good supplement
- Tissue Mend
- Vitamins sources can be questionable, check your sources
- Food source vitamins
- C Complex
- B and C Complex
- Vitamin Pack
- What to take for stress
- Mild
- 3 Chillin' 6 Nerquilizer a day
- Moderate
- 6 Chillin' 6 Nerquilizer
- Mineral lithium is in Chillin' not the drug
- If not working add B and C Complex
- Vitamin Pack is always helpful
- Deal with your stress
Friday Feb 19, 2016
Thursday Feb 11, 2016
Toxins in your environment, get rid of them.
Thursday Feb 11, 2016
Thursday Feb 11, 2016
- Heavy metals in tap water.
- Halogens and heavy metals
- Fruits and vegetables chelate metals
- What is chelation
- IV Chelation
- Move metals out
- A boy and his worts
- Detoxalation
- Dry Blood analysis
- See heavy metals in the dry blood
- Toxins in the Air
- Toxins are stored in fat
- Dioxins and infertility
- Clean your body systems
- Liver
- Lymphatic
- Skin
- Bowels
- Kidneys
- Toxic load
- Move your bowels at least once a day
- Liver
- Liv Clean
- Can help with constipation
- Kidneys
- Bladney
- Treats the entire urinary tract system
- Bowels
- Skin
- Blood Wash
- Dry Brush the skin
- Salux Rag
- Lymphatics
Monday Feb 08, 2016
Gluten Intolerance & Digestive Tract Problems
Monday Feb 08, 2016
Monday Feb 08, 2016
This podcast was recorded at Wildly Natural Foods in Farmington New Mexico.
- Gluten Intolerance
- Grain
- Staff of life
- Germ (feeds reproductive system)
- Most vitamins and Minerals are in the husk
- Gluten is the glue in the middle
- Oatmeal
- Nuts
- Seeds
- Grain Products
- Digestive enzymes are removed
- Whole Grain - Time release
- Processed - Enters quickly and overloads the system with sugar
- Fresh Fruits - Time release
- Sugar - Time Release
- Brain is fueled by sugar (Glucose)
- Hypoglycemia
- Grain does not combine with Protein (Food Combining)
- Proteins require acid to digest
- Starches don't require acid to digest
- Digestive tract must be healed
- Fiber balances Digestie tract
- Fertility - Grains
- Barley
- Tissue Mend
- Wheat Grass
- Smoothies
- Coconut oil
- Lymph Cleanse
- Liver Cleanse
Thursday Feb 04, 2016
Free Health tips from 3 Moms
Thursday Feb 04, 2016
Thursday Feb 04, 2016
In this episode we invited three Moms to our podcast to share what they do in preparing our magazine When it's Smoking It's Cookin'
- Eliminating White
- White Flour
- White Sugar
- Excitotoxins
- Brownie Mix
- Nut Milk
- Breastfeeding
- Dairy vs. Dairy Products
- Vegan Fajitas
- what the pH Chart is
Thursday Jan 28, 2016
Life is too short to suffer with allergies!
Thursday Jan 28, 2016
Thursday Jan 28, 2016
Life is too short to suffer with allergies!